Sizzling summer in the vineyard
Wow, what a summer season so far. Dry, sunny and bloody hot! We are very thankful for our large dam, which was nearly full from winter rains. This dam has provided plenty of water necessary to keep our vines healthy, happy and cool. Veraison is progressing although a little early at this stage. Our yield is down from normal, with bunch and berry size both down. This will provide intense flavour and exceptional grape quality.

At this time of the season hungry birds start attacking our grapes, so nets have just gone over the vines for protection. The vines are disease-free and all is looking good for a successful vintage. Picking will start around early March and continue for about 5 weeks, as the Nebbiolo is always last to ripen.
The main job over the next few weeks will be sampling and testing of the grapes so that picking date is carefully selected to give the very best wine flavours and natural acid balance. If we pick too early, we get slightly green (capsicum) flavours in the wine, and if its late we can get “stewed fruit or jammy” characters. We are looking for ripe, berry fruits with a fresh, vibrant character (also called “yummy”).
When the ultra-hot weather eases towards the end of summer, we hope for warm, mild days with cool nights – AND NO RAIN. This gives us slow, even ripening of the grapes into early Autumn. The best chance for top class wine.

Sold out and New Releases
We have sold out of our 2012 Reserve Shiraz (Finalist in Worlds Greatest Shiraz). Fortunately we are able to release the 2013 Reserve Shiraz. Rated 94 by James Halliday, this wine I reckon is as good as the 2012 Reserve. So, don’t miss out on this exceptional Shiraz. Grab some now!!
We are also out of the 2014 Sparkling Shiraz and have released the new 2016 Sparkling Shiraz. This is the perfect chilled, summer wine – full of fresh fruit flavour and fine, persistent bubbles. This beauty will also sell quickly.
Peter Fyffe
Summer 2018